If you’re a sales manager or rep, you probably are looking longingly across the aisle at the support team, wishing you didn’t have to waste your time taking an email with a new lead and entering it into SuiteCRM and could just start selling. But that would take a complicated email handler, loads of build time, and don’t forget all the testing before you see any benefit. Unless you try with MTS Email To Customer plugin, It’s one of SuiteCRM Plugins have developed by our team. Let’s start free trial today!

Benefit when automate convert SuiteCRM email to Lead
MTS Email to Custom captures emails sent to your Company’s mailboxes and creates Leads from it, helping you generate new sales and more revenue, reduces loss of potential customers and improves productivity.
How MTS Email to Customer works?
Which parses an incoming email and creates a Lead or Anything by mapping email data to Lead module or any CRM modules. Mapping of email data is customizable by administrators.